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Latest News

2022 Season Highlights









The San Antonio Stunners track club ended the 2022 season with 5 athletes making it to the Junior Olympics at North Carolina, those athletes are Anthony Zapata running the 800m, Burnie Battle doing a Pentathlon, Anaya Barefield running in the 80m Hurdle, Hailey and Mila Friessenhahn; one running in the 100m Hurdles and the other also in the 80m Hurdles. All did very great for it being their first time there, it was a wonderful experience and a moment they won't forget. Great job to everyone!!! Until the next summer 2023 season. GO STUNNERS!!!!

2024 Season

The 2024 season will start March 20th with our 'littles' (elementary age) and those middle school and older, not currently competing in a sport at school. Practice for those finishing up a sport at school will begin when their season ends. 

​Meets This Season
* Subject may change
Our Mission

Our mission is to help grow the sport of track and field on the South & West sides of San Antonio.

  • To show our kids that they can not only compete with but beat the best: and not feel inferior

  • Help our kids get better exposure to colleges and better develop their talent

  • Create and strengthen leadership qualities  

  • Network that will pay off in the future

  • Make new friends

  • Create memories

  • Have FUN!


If you would like to make a donation to help those kids who may have difficulty paying, you can donate to our cash app page. Thank you!

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